Pathology determined that three distinct masses were removed from my lung on Feb. 5, but odds are that microscopic cancer cells remain, waiting to grow and spread. Cancer has a lot in common with the dandelions in my garden.
PET Scan images show additional cancer as "hot spots" in my lymph nodes, bone marrow and spleen, but the bone marrow biopsy, blood tests, x-rays, CT Scans and ultrasound aren't conclusive.
Best guess, official guess, is the adenocarcinoma (which was first diagnosed as squamous cell) hasn't spread beyond the left lung, and that the other hot spots are probably lymphoma. Drs. Ho and Evans, backed up by the rest of the conference members at the BC Cancer Agency, want to watch the lymphoma but do no treatment.
What they
want to do is
a lobectomy
(not a lobotomy,
a lobectomy!).
The "lobe" is the upper or superior lobe, and that's most of what's left of my left lung. "Ectomy" means cut the damned thing out and throw it in the incinerator.
Easy for them to say. I say, I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy, a comment attributed to Tom Waites, Dorothy Parker and WC Fields. All three seem likely candidates.
want to do is
a lobectomy
(not a lobotomy,
a lobectomy!).
The "lobe" is the upper or superior lobe, and that's most of what's left of my left lung. "Ectomy" means cut the damned thing out and throw it in the incinerator.
Easy for them to say. I say, I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy, a comment attributed to Tom Waites, Dorothy Parker and WC Fields. All three seem likely candidates.
I'd like to know why the wedge resection was the first recommendation. Surely they knew then that there would be a possibility that microscopic cancer cells would be left behind. Why not just do the damned lobectomy in the first place, get it over with and not put me through two surgeries?
Dr. Ingrey says I'm making myself crazy with my "morbid curiosity" about my cancer. It's not an exact science, he admits, and there aren't definitive answers to all my questions. No point in looking for second opinions, because the conference provided numerous second opinions, which all agree.
Say buh-bye to lung lobe. Plan on 10-14 days in hospital followed by three months of recovery. Forget about being a marathon runner, an opera star or a long-distance swimmer.
"Doctor, after the surgery, will I be able to play the guitar?"
"Of course."
"Great! I've never been able to before!"
To be honest, I'm most concerned about the pain. I've never been a wuss, but this past year of procedures, topped off with that agonizing bone marrow aspiration, have left me with an almost desperate resolve to avoid any more. No so desparate that I'll refuse the lobectomy, but I'm not looking forward to it.
Besides, Dr. Ho is pregnant, due to have a baby any day now. I'm reluctant to whine about the discomfort of surgery to a woman who is about to give birth, which is sometimes described as passing a kidney stone as big as a pea. No sympathy there.
I should be happy, honoured perhaps, that some local Christians are praying for me. Two have told me that their prayers will cure my cancer. They are certain of this. Several others tell me that I've been put on a "prayer list," whatever that is. I picture a sheet of lined paper with a list of names and problems:
- Sam - lost his job;
- Debbie - lost her dog;
- Joe - alcoholic crackhead hoarder;
- Mary - house burned down;
- Pete - allergic to Viagra;
- Myrtle - cancer;
- And so on.
I tell these people that it's a waste of time to pray for an atheist, but they will not be deterred.
Some flatly refuse to believe I'm an atheist. Of course, they insist, I believe in God and the Hereafter, I just haven't admitted it to myself yet. Im in denial, but I will see the light, yes I will. Louise Berg surprised me with the information that it's easier to pray for an atheist than an agnostic. The mind boggles.
What frustrates me about all this Christian intervention is the absolute, blind faith that God will cure me because of third-party prayers, even though I'm convinced that God does not exist.
Let's pretend that there is a God. He would be the one who created my cancer, everyone's cancer in fact, because He creates everything. So now a few of His children are saying, "Hey, Big Dude, we think you screwed up on that one, so cure the cancer, willya."
They expect God will say, "Oh, okay, I made a mistake so I'll just change it." The God I learned about in Catechism did not make mistakes, and questioning His wisdom was a guaranteed one-way ticket to Hell. God has His reasons for everything He does.
Or maybe God is like a big, mean kid who pulls the wings off flies to watch them struggle helplessly, earthbound until some insect-eating creature comes along to gobble them up for a quick snack, or until they're crushed by the random stomp of a Size 12, black Dayton boot.
Many people survive cancer, but I strongly suspect that God has nothing to do with it. It's likely the type of cancer, the individual's genetic makeup and overall health, medical treatment or a combination of the three. I'm certain it's not the work of a few of the flock at Christ the Redeemer Church in Pender Harbour.
Think of it another way. Consider all the people who die of cancer, each and every day, throughout the world. Odds are, some of them are really nice folks, they have friends who are Christians, and those Christians pray for the cancer to be cured.
Why does God not listen to them? Is God pissed at them for some Holy indescretion? Maybe they took His Name in vain (GODDAMMIT!) when they hit their thumb with a hammer? And so He's getting payback by letting their baby girl with leukemia die as punishment? God the drama queen.
In a small way, I envy these devout, God-fearing believers. Imagine the feeling of accomplishment, of joy, of power, when a lymphomectomy is successful and all sign of cancer are removed! Imagine how good it must feel to believe it was your prayers that saved the life of that person! Maybe a bit of an ego problem here? Ya think?
I'm certain of this: An eternity in God's company (heaven) is not a comforting thought. With the least bit of logical consideration, God appears to be a total whacko, and death without an afterlife sounds like a far more peaceful alternative.
You're officially on my non-God believin' prayer list! ('s the best kind)
ReplyDeleteHey M --
ReplyDeleteone of my closest friends had the surgery you are planning to have. It was not an easy surgery, but he did well -- and they did remove all his cancer at the time. They removed roughly 1/3 of his lung, not sure which side or the technical jargon for which part.... long story short, the surgery bought him another 19 years with his wife, and he was able to do a lot of the things he loved during those years. He just died at age 72 after a bout with pneumonia.
I don't know if you want to hear this or maybe talk to me about it, but I thought I'd share this much, and if you want to hear more you can give me a holler at my regular email -- sarastobbe at aol dot com and I'd be glad to chat with you about what I know about his experiences. His wife, of course, would be a better resource if you want me to see if she'd be willing to talk to you about his experiences.. but since she just lost him in Feb I am not sure if she'd be up to it or not (probably would tho, if I know her at all :) )
I am so sorry you are having to go through this... seems like one life changing disease/illness/whatever per person per lifetime should be enough eh.
take care... I sure hope your doctors are right that you really need to do this. I would be tempted to contact a cancer only institution in your shoes, but don't know if that's an option for you (or even for me under my current insurance policy!)
I'm also on some of those prayer lists and have the same concerns as you. However, I accept their intention with as much gratitude as I can muster. To be held in good intention, by whatever means, is surely better than a sharp stick in the eye, don't you think?
ReplyDeleteThe lobectomy and a half was the easy part of my last 20 months. Passing two kidney stones in the past 4 months - that was a bitch. I get the morbid curiosity thing too - I like to think of it as knowledge = power. Probably power = control, something patients feel very little of.
Don't forget to get stuff you need off the high shelves and stay ahead of the opiate induced constipation. Another joy factor of this - everyone gets so familiar so quickly.
Myrtle, you amaze me! I bow down before you and the incredible presence of mind, talent, and humor it took to write this. You really do blow me away. Hang tough, my thoughts are with you.
Who would have thought having two cancers are better than one. Good luck with the lobectomy if you have decided to go through with it. I guess it is the standard treatment for your type of cancer and stage. Wondering why they didn't do that in the first place doesn't seem like morbid curiosity to me. Lung cancer claimed my father and I know so many people who have had to deal with it. I'm glad you discovered it before it had advanced. I'm looking forward to hear about the cancer being in remission. Best wishes.